So this last Saturday it was finally time to put on our big girl panties (or blinding pink zebra striped spandex) and put all of our crazy training to the test, it was time for the first ever Utah Spartan Beast. For those of you who do not know about the race I'll do a little explaining for you....
It takes place at Soldier Hollow, where the Olympic cross country course was way back when we had them here in Utah. No I'm not going to compare it to the Dirty Dash...other than the dirty part. It's 12+ miles and 25+ obstacles and very HILLY...I don't even know if hilly is the right was a freaking mountain.
We started off in the mud right off the bat with about 50 other people, mostly half naked men, and a few girls that should put on a shirt and take off some makeup...right out of the starting gate the guy in front of me puked up his bottle of red Gatorade he had downed probably 20 minutes prior (I almost was in the line of fire..COME ON SHELLY!).
Brooke (my partner in crime and BFF sister) must have been a mountain goat in another life time cause she was KILLING the hills...I'm pretty sure I slowed her down on that part, but since we made a promise to stick together she had to deal with my pansy ass having to walk/hike up some of the hills. Thanks Brookie :)
We also had target shooting, spear throwing (Brooke's first set of burpees), crawling under lots of barbed wire, tractor tire flipping, climbing up cargo nets, pulling up tires and cinder blocks on a rope and some spider man wall we had to cross.
Unfortunately there was no fire to jump over, apparently the entire state of Utah being on fire was enough to make them hold off on that. Oh well...we had so much fun anyway and guess what!? We are already signed up for next year! YAY!
As you can tell I'm wrapping this up quickly because the natives are getting restless...very restless.
All in all we learned that we are freaking tough, we are all caught up on our tetanus shots and it's really fun to get the crap beat out of you for 12+ miles!
Funnest race ever! My sister is the toughest chick I know!