Friday, September 21, 2012

Super Duper Green Power Smoothie!!

I am in major need of a new smoothie, so last night was a scowering (is that even a word) Pinterest in search of something different and awesome, well I found it! The smoothie comes out looking about as green as an avocado but I do have to say it is delightful!
I would love to tell you more funny stories I have about my kids and my crazy life in general but Presley has transformed into a monkey over the last couple days, her favorite pass time being to dance on the island counter top and then scream at me until I get her down...I get screamed at a lot, including right this very second.

Okay here is the recipe....DO IT!

1/2 cup ice
1/2 cup orange juice (may need more later on so keep it out)
1/2 banana
1-2 handfuls of spinach, I go with 2
splash of vanilla
1 handful of frozen mixed fruit (mine has peaches, strawberries, pineapple and mango)

Throw that all in a blander and blend away, push down the sides until the spinach has disappeared.
If it's too thick to blend add a little more OJ.
If you want the POWER part of the smoothie add in 1 scoop vanilla protein powder at the very end so it doesn't make your smoothie frothy

Monday, September 10, 2012

Peach BBQ Sauce (GF and Paleo)

Put this over pork chops, ribs or any chicken part and you will LOVE!!! I always have a bottle of some sort of BBQ sauce on hand in the fridge for dipping.

3 large peaches peeled and pureed

1 tbsp olive oil
1 sweet onion diced
4 cloves garlic diced
½-1 can tomato sauce (I used ½ a regular sized can, just depends on how tomatoey you want it)
¾ cup beef stock
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp smoked paprika
1 Tbsp GF soy sauce
1 small can crushed pineapple (maybe ½ cup)
1 Tbsp chilli powder
¼-1/3 cup honey (add only ¼ at first and see how sweet it is)
salt and pepper to taste

In a sauce pan heat olive oil over med heat  add onion and garlic. Once the onions are translucent add everything else and bring just to a boil. Turn to low and let simmer for 20 minutes until it’s thick. Put it all in a blender and blend until smooth!

Friday, September 7, 2012

It Could Be Worse, Seriously Get Over Yourself!

This is what I tell myself whenever I am frustrated with the happenings in my life..."it could be worse, get over yourself" (or I call my mom and cry to her on the phone, either way I need to get over myself!)
I try to take a moment out of the drama and tell myself just be thankful that all your kids are healthy, that you have a husband who is around and has a steady job, that I am healthy and can do all this kick ass stuff I do, he have an amazing house, I have amazing friends (obviously) and for the freaking awesome family that I have!
I have a friend on facebook whose husband is gone to Iraq, I think they have like 5 or 6 kids...something like that, one is a newborn (crazy lady!). I tell her often that she is my hero and how amazing she is and you know what she says back to me? "He's the amazing one" OH MY HELL! Seriously how selfish am I? I think he has been gone the majority of this year and she is just hanging in there like a trooper. Kallie you rock!
I have another friend, a pretty close one as a matter of fact who is probably reading this right at this very moment. She lost her husband recently, they have one darling little girl and I want to cry every time I think of them. She is my age!!! I would be devastated to the point of not being able to function and she is being so strong! I can't even believe how great she is handling the whole ordeal, I'm seriously proud of her. She is dealing with it like a champ. Amazing...see how much worse it could be? Summer you are amazing and I love ya!
There is a little girl in our ward, 4 years old, she was just diagnosed with a Stage 4 Wilms Tumor the size of a softball growing around her kidney. They tried to do surgery to remove it but when they got inside the tumor was in such a bad position that they couldn't touch it and found out the cancer had spread to her lungs and lymph system. It's all happened so fast and she isn't doing very well after her first dose of chemo. They found all this out because she all the sudden was having severe stomach pains and had to be rushed to the ER. They are having a 5K to raise money and show support for McKayla, you can sign up HERE if you would like. So sad!
Seriously, I thought I was having a rough week with Jett having separation anxiety (that's what I'm calling it anyway) and having to take him out of pre-school. I just have to remind myself every once in a while that I have it pretty freakin good!
Seriously though (yes I know that I use that word quite often but seriously...) Jett wouldn't even get dressed in the morning to go to school, he would cry and shake and hide under his would think they beat him there! I think he made it to 4 classes ($75 later) and I can't bring myself to force him to go back, he's just so scared and he just wants his can I be mad about that?
Alright, time to wrap it up....Peace out friends :) Don't worry, be happy and all that stuff.