So today I decided I need to blog for some reason....maybe it's because Bobby is gone for the entire week and I'm bored out of my freaking mind OR maybe it's because I've got nothing better to do than tell random people how my day went.
Anyway, lots of people ask me about recipes and workouts and sewing (yes sewing, random...I know) so hopefully I can post some of that here. Here goes my rant about the AWESOME (note the sarcasm) week we have had here at the Pagnani household and my workouts that I have managed to get in despite the awesomeness going on, maybe even a recipe...we'll see.....
Saturday morning Bobby left for his yearly bear hunt, it sounds exciting? Well it's not. They lay out a bunch of donuts cover them in bacon grease, rotten fish and other disgusting things and sit in a tree stand ALL DAY and wait.....and wait....sounds fun right? NOT! Well at least he gets some man time.
Anyway he leaves and I get to wake up to Presley covered in poo...lots and lots of stinky nasty poo, she has the runs, AWESOME (sarcasm)! Long story short she's had the runs ever since and I've had to wash her sheets and blanket EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Monday we went to have lunch for my mom's birthday! YAY! We went to the splash park in Spanish Fork and let the kids run wild. After the park Presley had another blow out, YUCK, and Nico begged his way into Grandma letting him sleep over with the rest of the cousins, this was a big mistake and you'll soon hear why.
So I leave Spanish Fork one child short and two very tired little ones ready for bed at 7:00pm. Awesome (no sarcasm here, it really was awesome. I mean Jett went to bed on his own).
Tuesday, the day of never ending poo....Prelsey once again had a blow out in her crib, here I go washing sheets...again....then I notice Jett is wearing underwear. This is odd considering he NEVER wants to get himself dressed and I put him to bed in a pull up, so I decide to investigate. As soon as I open the door the smell of poo hits me like a freaking brick wall. Jett has pooped in his pull up, taken it off and wiped his butt with random things in his room...books, toys, name it! AWESOME (sarcasm)! Then I get a phone call from Grandma, Nico was up all night throwing up, great! I bet you can guess how the rest of the day went?
Well I managed to get in a 45 minute workout, not good enough to post about but it worked well enough.
Wednesday, a little better just Presely poo to clean up and I decided to workout in the basement because I was obviously never going to make it to the gym...oh and today Grandma is sick, victim number 2 or 3 (we can't decide if Presley having the runs is from the 4 molars coming through or she is sick?)
Wed WOD:
Warm up-1 mile
Strength set:
50 Lunge jumps
50 Mason twists
50 Body weight jump squats
20 Boy pushups
Cardio pyramid:
1000m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m, 200m, 400m, 600m, 800m, 1000m
all ran between 7-8 min/mile pace
Between each cardio interval I did the strength set so it looks like this....
1000m, strength set, 800m, strength set, 600m, strength set.....and so on
Thursday, also known as today, I woke up to Jett puke. PUKE EVERYWHERE! I mean how are you supposed to get puke out of a mattress other than buying a carpet cleaning? So off I go to buy a cleaner, only I had to ask one of Bobby's friends to go to Walmart for me because I was afraid Jett would puke at the store. I'm lucky to have such helpful friends! Thanks Jeff!
Now begins the cleaning spree, SO GLAD I bought the cleaner by the way, it was such a great help! Now my house doesn't smell like puke, I've wiped down every surface with Lysol wipes, washed everything Jett has touched...this included a LOT of laundry but now it's all done. And now my house is sparkly clean, my hands are raw from all the sanitizer, the kids are in bed and oh yeah...I got in another awesome workout. Spartan Beast here I come!!!
PS do you ever just wish you could legally run over those people that come door to door to sell crap like a bottle of natural cleaner for $90 (but it will change your life!) magazines...(honestly like I can just order those online myself instead of writing your shady butt a check) and of all things meat...yes MEAT, from a door to door salesman (these days? really? hmmmm) Oh yeah and now Macks (my nephew) is sick :( victim number 3 or 4.
Thursday WOD:
400m (9ish min/mile pace the legs are TIRED)
2 burpees
4 burpees
6 burpees
and so on all the way up to 20 burpees then back down all the way to 2 burpees. This should give you 5 miles and very tired legs!
Now I'm very tired and off to bed...only 3 more days until Bobby comes home...I CAN DO THIS...right?
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